Where Is the U.s. Base at Guantanamo Located?

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Despite the unfriendly dealings between the United States of America and Cuba, the USA do have a military lowly deep-seated in the country. It is in reality the oldest installation established outside of the nation. Concurrently, Guantanamo Bay is the matchless and lone base the USA own in a country led by a communist regime. The base was proved in the oriented region, in the southeastern contribution of Cuba. Information technology is not far from the United States though – only about 600 kilometers away from Miami.


Judging by its location, Guantanamo Bay has more reasonable matchless mission. When it comes to its location, it is excellent for the ships that require refueling operations. Differently that, the internationalistic channel for shipping in the area must be constantly retained, let alone about the proximity to the Caribbean. The induction is part of a treaty with Cuba, so eventide if whol these things would be useless, it would still have to be there.

As for the logistic support and operations, the facility is an essential "tool" in the fight against the drug traffic from the Caribbean to the United States of America. The experts on site supply logistic help to completely the military personnel struggling to get rid of the dealings. Most of the trading operations in the Caribbean – regardless of their nature – come and join to this base.

One of the aspects that tensioned the relations between the United States of America and Cuba is the migrant history. The USA aims to eliminate the political theory regime and supports the migrants, only it also disagrees with the idea of illegal migrants. Therefore, Guantanamo Bay has something to do in this litigate too. It helps the migrants accommodate in their attempt to take to the woods from the communist land.


The relations between the 2 countries were friendly in the past. At the beginning of the 20-atomic number 90 century, the USA got around 50 square miles of Cuba for a coaling installation. The treaty was signed in Cuba, in 1903. The treaty was renegotiated in 1934. The lease was changed. If in 1903 the USA had to pay around 2,000 gold coins, in 1934 information technology had to pay around $4,000. Besides, the treaty had a term that forces Cuba to host the base today too, dissimilar its wishes. The base dismiss be closed only if both countries accept it or if the United States of America fully abandons the installing. Considering the vital grandness of the base, this is less likely to materialise. The relations were stable until the Cuban rotation that began in the '50s. That is when Fidel Castro took over.

There were multiple attempts of the State regime to eliminate the USA troops from its territory, but all of them were forbidden by the treaty. The floor provokes the regime even Thomas More, particularly since more Cubans work out on land site. Guantanamo Bay was also the home of the Haitian migrants, non to mention about the terrorist prisoners brought there by the officials during the warfare happening terrorist act. Most of them were part of Al-Qaeda.

Photos of Guantanamo Naval Base in Guantanamo, CUBA

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Where Is the U.s. Base at Guantanamo Located?

Source: https://militarybases.com/overseas/cuba/guantanamo-bay/

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