Motion to Continue Trial Georgia Bulldogs
The University of Georgia (hereafter identified as "University of Georgia", "Georgia" or "University") and the University of Georgia Athletic Association (hereafter identified as "UGAA") manage the licensing, usage and protection of the academic and athletic trademarks held and registered by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and the University of Georgia Athletic Association. Management of the University's trademark portfolio is delegated to the Office of Trademarks and Licensing within the University's Division of Marketing & Communications. The Office of Trademarks and Licensing also assists in the management of the UGAA trademark portfolio.
The mission of the Office of Trademarks and Licensing is threefold:
- To protect and promote proper use and application of the trademarks that are associated with the University of Georgia;
- To strengthen the trademarks through relationships with retailers, licensees, campus units, student organizations, alumni, and fans; and
- To generate revenue that funds the University's mission, and supports scholarships, student activities, and athletics programs.
Protecting trademarks is one key element of maintaining trademark rights. The University's marks are protected through a wide variety of means, and University faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends are asked to be vigilant advocates for the protection of University marks and urged to comply with all aspects of this policy. The University has, through the UGAA and the University of Georgia Foundation, contracted with Fanatics Licensing Management, one of the nation's leading collegiate licensing and marketing firms, to enhance the University's efforts in managing and protecting its trademarks and brand.
What are Trademarks?
Trademarks (or marks) are words, phrases, symbols, designs, sounds, smells, colors, product configurations, group of letters or numbers, or any combination of these elements adopted by an organization to identify its products and services, and to distinguish them from products and services made, sold, or provided by others. The University of Georgia seeks to associate its trademarks with reliable products of the highest quality, in keeping with the University's commitment to conduct its business affairs in an ethical and socially responsible manner.
In addition to the marks specifically listed in this policy, any new or modified trademark adopted hereafter and used or approved for use by the University of Georgia shall be subject to the policies and procedures of the trademark licensing program. Additionally, this trademark licensing program shall cover any derivations of the University's marks which would cause consumers to erroneously believe that the product originated from or was sponsored/authorized by the University.
For purposes of clarity, the following terms will be used to identify specific aspects of the University trademarks:
- Logo — the core identifier of an organization. It is a tool to build an identity for an organization which helps to communicate and represent a brand. It is, and should be, the most consistent component in an organization's communications.
- Wordmark — a distinct text-only typographic treatment of the name(s) of an organization or institution used for identity and branding.
- Configuration — a graphic representation (specific arrangements) that include logo elements and unit identifier(s) arranged in a specific manner to show hierarchy, purpose or priority.
A non-exhaustive set of examples of logos, symbols and typography used by the University and UGAA include:
Examples of words, groups of words, or letters included and protected by the University and/or the UGAA under this policy:
- University of Georgia®
- Georgia®
- UGA®
- Bulldog(s)
- Between The Hedges®
- How 'Bout Them Dogs®
- How 'Both Them Dawgs®
- Go You Silver Britches®
- University of Georgia Athletic Association®
- Hairy Dawg™
- Dawg(s)®
- Deep South's Oldest Rivalry
- Hunker Down™
- Gym Dogs™
Additional information regarding these terms, configurations and usage are provided at
General Requirements for the Use and Regulation of University Marks
Board of Regents Requirements
The University of Georgia is a member institution of the University System of Georgia, and all trademarks of University System of Georgia institutions constitute property of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Authorization by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia is required for the private or commercial use by any person, firm, association, corporation, institution, or other entity of any trademark developed by, or associated with the University System of Georgia or any of its institutions, including the University of Georgia. This authorization has been delegated from the Board of Regents to the University of Georgia, together with guidelines with respect to the usage of trademarks registered and/or used by member institutions of the University System of Georgia, including the University marks. The Division of Marketing and Communications ensures that authorization of use of University marks is granted in compliance with applicable guidelines from the University System of Georgia, which include, but are not limited to, a prohibition on the use of University trademarks in conjunction with:
- Alcoholic beverages;
- Tobacco products;
- Drugs;
- Political candidates or political issues;
- Sexually oriented goods; or
- Any goods or services which do not meet the University System of Georgia's minimum standards with respect to the nature and quality of such goods and services.
University Requirements
Marks and verbiage trademarked and registered to the University of Georgia include:
- The University's academic visual system including
- University –level logos
- School & college, administration top level logos
- Department, multi-tiered and program level logos
- The University Seal
- The University's athletic logo system including
- Primary, secondary, word marks
- Typography
- Registered verbiage
The impact of the University's marks depends on proper, consistent use. In order to maintain such consistency, all usage of marks must conform to the University of Georgia Visual Identity Style Guide, found at and the University of Georgia Athletic Association brand book found at
Additionally, the trademark symbol TM must always accompany a mark that is not registered or is in the process of being registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Specific to the Use of the University of Georgia Seal
The official seal of the University of Georgia is not interchangeable with other University marks or logos, nor may it be altered in any way. The seal may be used only by the Office of the President and on academic degree diplomas. Any other uses of the seal must be approved in advance by the Office of Trademarks and Licensing.
Office of Trademarks and Licensing — Compliance and Approval Process
To ensure consistency in use and overall policy compliance, individuals, departments, or organizations desiring to use University marks must comply with the following procedures governing approval of use:
What items require approval. The use of University trademarks on all types of products, apparel, and merchandise created for internal or external usage is subject to the following compliance and approval process. Additionally, the use of trademarks on paid advertising materials is also subject to the compliance and approval process. However, approval of the use of trademarks on printed or digital marketing communications materials produced by schools, colleges or administrative units such as brochures, magazines, annual reports, folders, newsletters, catalogs, invitations, posters, cards, event signage, banners, table tents, and tablecloths, is not subject to the following compliance and approval process. Instead, the authority to approve the use of University trademarks in these materials is delegated to the executive leadership of the school, college or administrative unit or his or her designee within the unit; though such use must still comply with the restrictions, quality control standards and other requirements set forth in this policy.
Compliance and Approval Process Requirements
- Use an Approved Vendor
Any product or item for internal usage that uses a University mark must be produced by an approved licensed vendor. Consult the licensee list.
- Secure an Art Proof
An art proof from the vendor showing the University mark and how it will be displayed on the item must be secured and approved before an order can be placed. If the vendor cannot provide an art proof for review, images of the promotional item along with a request indicating which mark will be used will suffice.
- Submit Approval Form
Complete the trademark approval form, include the information requested in the document and submit, along with art proof, to for compliance review and approval.
- Trademark compliance review
The Division of Marketing & Communications will review the request using the following criteria for approval:
• Usage of licensed vendor(s);
• Marks are not altered, obscured or distorted in any way and are displayed with correct registration designations; and
• Context of usage is in accordance with Board of Regents and University policies.Any submitted artwork that includes usage of any athletic mark will be reviewed by the UGAA in accordance with their policies governing trademark use. The Division of Marketing & Communications will manage all requests and record all signed approvals.
- Approval granted or denied
Following the completion of the trademark compliance review, requestors will be notified of whether their requested use has been approved or denied. If the requested use is approved, signed/dated approval forms will be returned to requestors, with copies kept on file in the Division of Marketing & Communications.
Additional Policies Governing Internal / Institutional Usage
On-campus Units and Affiliates
Only colleges, schools, departments, divisions, units, and other groups and organizations officially recognized by the University of Georgia are allowed to use University trademarks in conjunction with their organization's name as outlined at
Student Organizations
For purposes of this policy, student organizations are considered to belong to one of four tiers, as described below. A student organization's access to University trademarks will depend on the tier into which such organization is categorized. After reading the descriptions below, any individual who has questions regarding which tier their organization falls into should contact the Office of Trademarks and Licensing.
University-wide Governance, Academic and Honorary Organizations
These organizations broadly represent the mission and culture of the University. They represent the University to campus and the broader community, serving in an ambassadorial capacity and/or presenting events of broad appeal that are considered an integral part of the University and its activities.
These organizations can use the University of Georgia's logo in a program configuration. Program logos will be created by the Division of Marketing & Communications. If an organization's mark includes another university, national or membership insignia, a co-brand solution is available.
School / College-based Professional or Trade Organizations; School / College-based Student Ambassador Groups; Student Organizations supported by a Student Affairs Program;
These student organizations serve a specific University interest and provide support to individual University programs and initiatives. They contribute to the mission, vision, goals, and culture of the University by routinely presenting events that seek to further a particular profession, trade or program interest. These groups are officially sponsored by a school, department or program and advised by a designated faculty/staff member.
These groups can use the formal school/college/department logo with the group's name included in a co-branded configuration. Logo requests must be approved by the sponsor organization. The Organization's communication department creates, maintains and oversees the usage of these logos. If other images or logos must be used as part of the group's identity, those images or logos can also be included in a similar co-branding configuration, as outlined in the visual identity style guide.
Club Sports
Club sports are University recognized student groups that serve the individual interests of its membership through different competitive sports and recreational activities. These year-round sports clubs are formed, developed, governed, and administered by the student membership of that particular club, working in conjunction with the Competitive Sports program administered by Recreational Sports under Student Affairs.
While club sports teams are competitive and sometimes compete against other colleges/universities, and in some cases against varsity teams, at the state, regional and national level, they are not considered a varsity sport at the University because their membership is voluntary and governed by Student Affairs.
The UGAA does not permit use of its primary or secondary athletic marks (marks 001–007 on the University's digital art sheet) or primary or secondary athletic wordmarks (font specific only — marks 008–022) for club use.
- Club sports groups may ONLY use the following University of Georgia athletic marks:
- Registered verbiage, "University of Georgia®", "Georgia®", "Bulldog(s)®", "Dawg(s)®", "UGA®", can also be used in the name.
- A registration mark ® must be clearly visible if using a University of Georgia athletic mark or verbiage.
- Club sports logos must incorporate "Club Sport," "Club Sports at University of Georgia®" or "A Club Sport at University of Georgia®" in the logo when using athletic marks and/or verbiage.
- A club sport may not use any University marks or verbiage on uniforms/ apparel if a sponsor is listed in any way.
- The UGAA requires that any designs that include any athletic mark or verbiage be submitted to their office for compliance review based on their brand guidelines.
General Interest Student Organizations (including Intramural Sports)
These organizations are consistent with the mission and culture of the University and engage primarily in activities that benefit their membership. They are primarily interest groups capable of functioning with minimal support. The University registers but does not support or endorse the purposes of these organizations and may not accept responsibility or liability for the activities undertaken by them. These organizations cannot imply they are acting on behalf of the University. These are organizations not included in the previous three categories, but that are registered in CSAI.
General Interest Student Organizations may use their name in conjunction with at "at UGA", "at Georgia" or "at University of Georgia" for purposes of logo creation, but are not permitted to use the University's academic or athletic logo systems, secondary configurations, or other parts of the visual identity system, including fonts and secondary art.
Other Internally Affiliated Organizations
These groups are subject to the same duties and obligations regarding the use of University marks as are other on-campus units. Internally Affiliated Organizations include:
- The University of Georgia Foundation
- The University of Georgia Alumni Association
- The University of Georgia Athletic Association
- The University of Georgia Research Foundation
- The University of Georgia Real Estate Foundation
Internal Use of Athletic Marks
The UGAA requires any designs that include any athletic mark be submitted to their office for compliance review based on their brand guidelines.
Below provides information and a summary of the guidelines for such use, and is provided for information purposes only:
- The Athletic Association does not permit use of its Primary or Secondary Athletic Marks (marks 001–007 on the university's digital art sheet) or Primary or Secondary Athletic wordmarks (font specific only – marks 008-022) for club/recreational sports use.
- Registered Club/recreational sports groups may use Additional Athletic Marks (023–024 and 026 on the university's digital art sheet) and verbiage marks, "University of Georgia®", "Georgia®", "Bulldog(s)®", "Dawg(s)®", "UGA®", etc. upon approval; however, the following guidelines must be observed:
- The recreational sport/club must be officially registered with the University of Georgia Center for Student Organizations.
- The recreational sport/club must incorporate "Club" or "Rec Sports" in the proposed logo design when using trademarked logos and/or verbiage "Georgia®", "Bulldog(s)®", "Dawgs®", "UGA®", etc.
- The recreational sport/club may not use any marks or verbiage on uniforms and apparel if a sponsor is listed in any way.
Faculty, Staff, and Student Individual Usage
No individual faculty, staff, student or group comprised of the aforementioned individuals may use any University mark in any manner that suggests or implies University support or endorsement of a point of view, personal or political opinion, business activity, movement, or program that is not official University business. If there is potential for confusion in a statement describing affiliation with the University, one should dispel any confusion by adding a disclaimer stating that the University is not involved in the business, activity, movement or program, with the understanding that the University may require that additional steps be taken depending on the circumstances.
In addition, no individual faculty, staff, student or group comprised of the aforementioned individuals may use any University mark in any manner without having requested approval for such use through the Office of Trademarks and Licensing. Common requests for use of University marks include the following, and will be reviewed and approved or disapproved in accordance with this policy:
- Cakes / Edibles — Adding University of Georgia logos or marks to cakes, cookies and other edibles is permissible, with prior University approval, in commemoration of student graduations, marriages, and other milestone events.
- Memorials / Grave markers — Alumni, faculty, staff and students of the University of Georgia may use University marks in memorial of a loved one who has passed away. University approval is required.
- Any situations and usages that fall outside of the above described categories will be managed on a case-by-case basis in accordance with this policy.
Additional Policies Governing External / Commercial Usage
Traditional Retail Merchandise
Any company interested in marketing, manufacturing and/or selling a product/service to consumers through retail distribution channels (including the Internet) using any University of Georgia trademarks must obtain a license to do so. In addition, companies or organizations wanting to associate or partner with the University through any use of its trademarks must obtain promotional licenses as well. The University has contracted with Fanatics Licensing Management, one of the nation's leading collegiate licensing and marketing representatives, to manage the University's retail efforts in this area. All companies must complete the application and the requirements for licensing as outlined on Fanatics Licensing Management's web site.
Requirements for completion of the licensing process through Fanatics Licensing Management includes:
- Signing a license agreement to include authorized manufacturer agreements if necessary
- Paying the applicable advance and licensing fees for rights to and usage of university marks
- Providing proof and maintenance of product liability insurance against any claims relative to their products purchased by the university for promotional or other commercial Signing the labor code agreement to comply with university business codes and ethics
- Managing retailer submissions for products for retail/commercial sale to the public and seeking university approval of designs and mark usage
- Reporting royalties on the sale of University of Georgia merchandise.
The retail market for collegiate merchandise in general and UGA merchandise specifically has become over-saturated in certain product categories. Therefore, licensing may not be granted to new companies in certain categories. The University reserves the right to prohibit use of its trademarks with certain issues and products, those products specifically disallowed per Board of Regents policy and those products that infringe upon another entity's trademarks or would be considered in poor taste by the general public (See General Requirements for the Use and Regulation of University Marks). The University will not license products that do not meet minimum standards of quality, good taste, are dangerous, or carry high liability risks.
Licensees or retailers of Georgia merchandise may print their name on the product. However, the logo or name may be only 1 ½ inches by 1 ½ inches in size. To maintain consistency, this coincides with NCAA rules regarding company branding on uniforms, etc.
Non-University of Georgia Use
Any group or individual wanting to use University academic and/or athletic marks on products for its membership, personal usage or for resale must purchase the product from a current University licensee. By supporting the University's licensing initiatives, organizations can ensure that products bearing University marks are of the highest quality and meet all contractual requirements.
Businesses and other external organizations and/or individuals may petition the University for use of its academic and/or athletic trademarks in any of the following situations by completion and submission of a trademark approval form (link)inclusive of artwork displaying marks in usage:
- Any permanent statue or mural that includes University trademarks or likeness.
- Any non-permanent fixture (i.e. window- painting, removable lettering marquees) supporting a University event(s).
- Any use of University trademarks in any type of advertisements in print, out-of-home, on broadcast (tv, radio, cable) or on websites, social networks, etc.
- Any promotion or implied endorsement of a business's products or services in print, out-of-home, on broadcast (tv, radio, cable) or on websites, social networks, etc.
- Any production of merchandise for resale or giveaway that utilizes University trademarks.
- Any usage of University marks in conjunction with not-for-profit organizations not affiliated with the University.
Rights fees and royalties for the use of University academic and/or athletic marks in any of the above business or personal instances may be assessed.
Trademarks approval confirms that the requestor's application to use one or more of the institution's trademarks is, based on the information provided in the application, in compliance with the institutional trademark policy regarding appropriate use of institutional marks, logos, and verbiage. The approval of the requestor's use of institutional trademarks is limited to the manner indicated in the application and is conditioned at all times upon the requestor's compliance with any other applicable institutional policies. Trademarks approval does not indicate compliance with or approval under any other applicable institutional policy.
The decision by units to purchase and/or distribute any items, including those bearing university marks, logos or verbiage, is solely that of the purchasing and/or distributing unit. Units should not make any claim or representation regarding the safety or performance of such items. Units should not indicate to end users that any items, including those bearing university marks, logos or verbiage, have been certified, cleared, approved, or authorized for use by any federal or state regulatory agency. The decision to use such items is solely that of the end user.
University of Georgia Visual Identity Guidelines
A complete set of visual identity style guidelines governs the use of the University's trademarked logo and visual identity system.
All academic, administrative, and support units of the University of Georgia are required to use the University of Georgia's visual identity business system for all official internal and external communications. If a trademark is used in in an individual email signature, it must follow guidelines for email signatures.
Student Business Cards — Students may, with prior University approval, have business card displaying the school / college logo of which they are a student or with which they are officially associated. The design of the card must clearly indicate the student status of the cardholder (Class of XX, Ph. D Candidate, etc.).
Publications — The words "University of Georgia®" or an official academic logo must appear on the front cover of all University publications. Additionally, at least one school, college or unit logo (either formal, horizontal or vertical configuration) must appear on or inside the front, back, masthead or title page of the publication.
Exceptions to these policies, guidelines, and standards must be approved in advance by the Division of Marketing and Communications.
The preceding policies, standards, and guidelines may be revised from time to time as deemed necessary.
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